Roads in the Simpson County road system are classified as one of the following:
- Arterial roads: a primary through road with heavy to moderate traffic connecting to a state road.
- Collector road: a through road with light to moderate traffic connecting to an arterial road.
- Local/ Neighborhood road: a road with limited access or roads within a neighborhood.
Only signage, markings or devices approved by The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (MUTCD) will be used on any roads maintained by Simpson County Fiscal Court.
Speed limits:
- The speed limit on arterial and collector roads is 55 MPH unless otherwise posted.
- The speed limit on local/ neighborhood roads is 35 MPH unless otherwise posted.
Any resident or property owner in Simpson County may request changes to speed limits, or to add or remove signage or devices from a county road.
The request must be submitted in writing to the Simpson County Fiscal Court with following information.
- Name
- Address
- Contact information
- Road name
- Description and reason for request
Once the Fiscal Court receives the request, they may then ask the magistrate representing the district involved in the request, the county Public Works Director and any other representative of an agency that may be effected by the request to evaluate the area and report back to the Fiscal Court.
Traffic calming devices, such as additional signage and pavement markings may be installed in an area after an evaluation is given to the Fiscal Court.
Devices such as rumble strips, speed bumps or speed tables are generally not recommended on through roads. One of these devices may be recommended due to accident history or if an area is found to have unique or abnormal surroundings that may distract drivers.
County Road Management